Clarence Lodge of MMM No 447 Installation
Bro. George Skarrats was installed as Worshipful Master of Clarence Lodge MMM No 447 on Monday 6th October.
The ceremony was attended by V W Bro Keith Beardmore PGJO Dep PGM who was accompanied by the Provincial Wardens Arthur Robinson and Tony Farrar.
Keith Beardmore with George Skarrats
W. Bro Walter Pritchard P.Pr.GSW stepped in to install the new Master in a delightful ceremony.
Tony Farrar, Eric Drinkwater and Arthur Robinson
The addresses to the Wardens was given by the Provincial Senior Warden Arthur Robinson, the Overseers by VW Bro Eric Drinkwater, PGM s Special Representative and to the Brethren by the Dep PGM.
Michael Mansfield-Corbett with Frank Thomas
As the Lodge Director of Ceremonies was unable to attend Provincial Director of Ceremonies doubled up as Lodge D C for the evening.
Les Allford with Alan Hughes, Lodge Secretary
A splendid festive board followed the ceremony.

Article and Photographs Courtesy of Keith Beardmore